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Quick math and science observations

Current always positive... just large or small
Notes on ML programming
RC- low pass:
RCS Commands:
Setting up RCS
What is electricity?
Why are resistors good?
abstraction & ease of use
fundamental ideas of accounting
need acoustic solo at 3:17
Observations about bases
battery just something that pushes and pulls electrons.
beta/risk in stocks
limitations of binary

Driving/Car care
chaos theory - small change in initial values makes huge change in final values.
compiler ideas
complex numbers...
potential method:
PHI 383 - freedom and responsibility
CS461 notes -- complete
dean's date (fall semester, 2001)
what does dx mean?
Interesting Properties of e (the mathematical constant)
eco 318
notes on electricity
flux and circulation
Why sinusoids are important
FRONT-SIDE BUS speed: how fast you can pump data to the CPU
idea of a function call and registers. memory is memory... stack is just a region.
GDB notes...
things i've figured out:
golden ratio: a number that is one less than it's square
Gracie Jiu jitsu
Password Protecting Web Directories
impedence matching
limits and infinity
intermediate axis theorem
have to "retrain" our intution when it doesn't match. we don't automatically know everything
intuition and math
set set set!!!
hitting the bag
karate notes - 8/20/03
karate 8/28/03
karate exercises
Karate Drills
Karate notes
karate notes
large numbers
Using Latex
Do not believe what you read unless it makes sense to you
limits and infinitesimals...
What is MD5?
COS 320 midterm notes
mixer -- beats the two inputs together. heterodynes them?
use of mobius strip:
more PHP security
more on sine
I unchecked "log onto Windows NT domain"
gauss' theorem combined with olber's paradox... why isn't the universe infinetely bright?
PHP security test
center of gravity
various kinds of EM waves... radios "see" only radio waves (as in, the radio antenna is
reductions (in computer science algorithms)
Match in terms of best signal
quirky sin
A subtle information leak
tan(x): length of leg tangent to circle!! cool
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."
For dean's date: Result:
two wire transmission
a tuning fork can act like an antenna...
can use UNIX commands in DOS!! echo, >, >>, | piping, etc. didn't know that :)
deleting UNIX files
variance - the average of how far the data points are from the average.
writing: get rid of vowels
creep and COUNTER
why sine waves? and not another form of periodic motion?