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Karate Drills

Spring block -- push off their arm.
Compress... then go. Move off at an angle.

punching: gather then explode. eventually, don't need to step... just lean explode from legs, hips, knees

San chin: straight back. shoulder straight down.

Side mount escape: push up, turn and hip out.

crucifix -> scarf
from knees... roll them over

movement: action w/a purpose. no extraneous movements. -fire arm straight out from sany chin. -don't dip in beginning.
-keep arm parallel to ground when pulling back... don't dip down

When punching: don't bring arm back. step forward, leave arm in place... then move it forward. same. stepping forward effectively brings it back (relative to your body, but forward motion nonetheless).

kanshiwa: last move, don't bob. drive straight ahead, shoulder low. hit with entire body.

side-to-side (boxer drills that kurt does) rock and roll (forward and back)
calf jump

in my head "set/down/set/down/"... always be moving into sets. "can i hit from this position?"

pull back with hips, shoulders

work on 1-2 things, get it down. the other 12, 13 fall into place. imagine that you are trying to go to the center of a circle. lots of ways, but choose one path and stick with it.

get a strong, powerful punch