Free programs I've made
Free programs I use
- - many downloads
- Sysid - list computer info
(CPU speed, RAM type, etc.)
- Citrus alarm clock
- wake up to an mp3. Can customize time for each day.
- Xenu - Check
site for bad links
- SSH -
Secure telnet and FTP (Windows users, look for the .exe file).
- Popup Killer
- Effective (download button on the left panel).
- winamp - mp3 player, try with
shoutcast internet radio.
- Opera - Fast web browser with
nice features, try it out
- Jcreator - Java code editor
and IDE
- Trillian - Instant messaging
for AOL, MSN, etc. in one program.
- BreezeBrowser Downloader
- Downloads pictures from Canon digital cameras
- VNC - Remotely
connect and control your computer, even from a webpage