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Setting up RCS

Instructions for you

Go to your working directory (with all your files)

Create a directory RCS (set proper permissions, allow friends to write to it)

Type "ci *" (or ci *.c, etc.)

This will put each of your files into the repository. You have the option to write a description for each as they are added.

At the end, all the files will be gone (and will be in the RCS directory).

Simple commands:

ci filename     (add filename)
co filename     (copy file from repository to current directory)

co -l filename (as above, but set lock. No one else can lock the file until you check it back in) ci -l filename (check in file, but keep lock. Use this so others can see your changes, but can't make their own)

rcsclean        (delete files in working directory that are saved in repository)

co RCS/*        (grab copies of all files in repository)

rlog    filename        (displays info about file, such as who has it locked, last modified, etc.)
rlog    RCS/*           (info about all files)

RCS access list: (do a man rcs)

rcs -u fileName         (forcibly unlock a file, even if someone else has it. Will send an email)

rcs -a_logins RCS/*

rcs -alogin1,login2,login3 RCS/*

Setting it up for your friends

They cd to their own working directory

They type

'ln -s origRCSdirectory RCS'

This makes an RCS directory which is linked to your RCS directory. origRCSdirectory will probably look like: /u/loginName/project/RCS/

To find the name, go to your RCS directory and type 'pwd', which lists the current directory (it's short for personal working directory).