- BetterExplained - https://betterexplained.com -

What do you want Better Explained?

First, a big thank you. I’m so excited that this site has been able to reach more people than I thought possible — I love hearing about and exchanging insights :).

Still, there’s only so much juice you can squeeze from this orange at a time. The previous article took several days to research, draft, diagram and edit (I hope to get faster over time).

And that’s where you fit in: I’ve had some great email conversations about expanding the site, and I’d like to get everyone’s thoughts. Are blogs, guest posts, wikis, or forums the best way to share?

The Goal: Cram Ideas Into Your Head

Taking a step back, my philosophy is simple: Let’s share the hard-won insights that usually stay locked in our heads.

Learning is like crossing a minefield. There’s pitfalls everywhere, but after a struggle you make it through (or get “permanently discouraged”). But once you’ve navigated the path, shouldn’t you share it with those behind you? While it’s still fresh in your mind?

It frustrates me that we study the same subjects (algebra, calculus, programming), but struggle alone. We don’t share “a-ha” insights that really make learning stick; most textbooks offer pedantic facts and rote memorization. We have enough of those — what about the insights that help us “really get it”:

Models For Online Communities

Having this blog has been a huge learning experience (more to come), and there’s much to learn about starting a community. Though it’s still a small site, I’m looking to my favorite big sites for patterns of interaction:

Those are the major collaboration models I’ve found.

Moving Forward: What would you like to see?

I’m a fan of the “ready-fire-aim” approach, trying something new and tweaking as you go. So here goes:

My dream is to contribute to a community that helps us all avoid learning’s stumbling blocks. There’s so many ways to present a topic and yet so many “a ha!” moments are just locked away in our brains.

And what’s the incentive to share your understanding? Well, if you’re like me, you’ll forget your insights and need them explained again. And who better to teach a topic than you, when you remembered it?

Thanks again for all the support and comments — it makes writing a pleasure (editing is still a pain, though! :)). I’m excited for what the next months and years will bring.