Kalid's Math and Science Pages

Useful conversions

These are handy mental conversions that don't take much math. I use them fairly often, for back-of-the-envelope calculations.

60 mph = 1 mile a minute
  • Obvious but useful. An exit is coming up in 1/2 mile on the highway? That's 30 seconds away.
  • It took you 30 minutes to go 15 miles? That's an average of 30 mi/hour (30 mph = 2 minutes per mile).
Feet per second = mph * 1.5
  • 60 mph is 88 ft/sec. This converstion is linear, so roughly, FPS = MPH * 1.5
  • A trick: just add 1/2 your speed to your current speed (easy way to do 1.5x)
  • 100 mph? You're going 150 feet per second.
  • 30 feet per second? You're going 20 mph. (Multiply by 2/3 to go the other way)
Every $1 per hour is $2000/year
  • This assumes you are working 40 hours/week for 50 weeks (or 2000 hours/year)
  • Earn 20 bucks an hour? That's $40,000 a year.
  • For part-time, use $1000/year for each dollar hour (20 hours/week).
Every $20 per week is $1000/year
  • This follows from $20/week * 50 weeks/year = $1000/year
  • Spend $10 a week on gas? That's $500 a year.
  • Save $40 a week by bagging your lunch? That's 2000 clams.
2^10 is 1000 (2 raised to the 10th power)
  • Actually, 2^10 = 1024. But 1000 is close enough.
  • Thus, 2^20 is 1000 squared or 1 million.
  • 2^30 is 1 billion.
  • If you have 20 bits of address space, that is roughly one million possible locations (or exactly 1MB). Conversely, if you have 1 million possible addresses, you know you need roughly 20 bits to encode it.
Rule of 72
  • Given an annual interest rate of x%, your money will double in 72/x years
  • With a 10% rate, doubles in 7.2 years
  • With a 2% rate, doubles in 36 years
  • The derivation indicates the rule of 69.3 would be better =). Reason for 72? It is divisible by many numbers, so it is good for rough estimates.
  • Derivation: (1+x)^n = 2 (x is interest rate, n is years)
    • ln(1+x)^n = ln2
    • n*ln(1+x) = ln2
    • n = ln2/ln(1+x)
    • ln(1+x) ~ x so: n = ln2/x    [x is in terms of a percentage, mulitply by 100]
    • n = 69.3/x
Speed of light = 1 foot per nanosecond
  • c ~ 300,000 km/s, or roughly 1 foot per nanosecond
  • Useful when calculating speed of light delays
    • America is about 3000 miles across, roughly 5000 feet/mile
    • 3000 * 5000 = 15 * 10^6 or 15 million feet
    • About 15 million nanoseconds, or 15 milliseconds.
    • This is the minimum delay for any communications across the country (radio, satellite phone, tv broadcast)
    • The speed of electricity is even slower, so roughly 100 ms delay for network transmission

Send questions, comments, etc. to Kalid at <>. Last modified 01/01/2003 10:24 AM