Math Explanations That Work.

Enjoy the "Aha!" moments that make math click. Read 12 topics in an intuitive, concise and humorous style. Join thousands of students, teachers and parents who've learned right, not rote.

Print-quality layout and design

Clean graphics help visualize the Pythagorean Theorem

Visualizing Radians

Breaking down compound interest

  • Sample alt

Who's It For?

Math, BetterExplained is for anyone who wants to enjoy and understand math, including:

  • Students: Save hours of frustration -- get things as I wish they were explained to me.
  • Teachers/Home Schoolers: Get high-quality educational materials & ideas for your lesson plans.
  • Self-learners: Go back and understand concepts at a level rarely discussed in textbooks or classrooms.

What's Inside?

12 chapters drawn from the most popular articles, essential to any learner:

  1. Developing Math Intuition (Chapter preview)
  2. The Pythagorean Theorem
  3. Pythagorean Distance
  4. Radians and Degrees
  5. Imaginary Numbers
  6. Complex Arithmetic
  7. Exponential Functions & e
  8. The Natural Logarithm (ln)
  9. Interest Rates
  10. Understanding Exponents
  11. Euler's Formula
  12. Introduction To Calculus
This includes: A bonus chapter on Euler's formula, print-quality design for easy reading, a DRM-free PDF for any device, and PowerPoint slides/extracted images for all diagrams (deluxe version).

Explanations That Work

The explanations inside have been developed after years of study, and are consistently among the most popular in their field. I use analogies and diagrams to make concepts click: we're visual creatures, let's use that part of our brain!

For example: Concepts like imaginary numbers just pop into place when you see them as numbers in two dimensions:

We're used to the number line stretching left-to-right; when it spreads vertically, new numbers emerge. This simple insight saves hours of frustration when visualizing imaginary numbers.

Written For Human Beings

Rigid, stiff writing is uncomfortable for us both. I explain the way I wish I was taught: clearly, concisely, and with a sense of humor. Let's learn with conversations, not lectures.

For Your Computer, Phone or eReader

I don't like DRM restrictions any more than you. The ebook is an unrestricted PDF and can be enjoyed anywhere.

Quality Design

Some ebooks look like they were copied out of Word -- not this. Book-quality layout and typography mean it's a joy to print and read at your leisure. Readability is king: wide margins give plenty of room to write notes, and whitespace helps the words flow.


Standard Premium Site License
PDF for computer, iPhone, or e-reader
Print-quality layout & design
Bonus chapter on Euler's Formula
PowerPoint slides for all diagrams
Extracted image files for all diagrams
Site license for 100 users ebook_buy
(Just $2/copy!)
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I have several books on calculus (Calculus for Dummys, Math for the Millions, etc. etc. - never was able to read them) but your explanation is what I have needed all these years.

Doug Hogg, Former Principal

I am an engineer by profession... but never had that a-ha moment. I had it when I read your article. I don't have words to explain my happiness, you have unwound a knot that was tied 12 years before...

Ferose Khan J

This is a great explanation! I am 49 years old and have never known what e is all about. It is thanks to your article that I get it and now can explain it to my son who is 13 years old...

C. Dhaveji

I've been following you for nearly two years...I find the intuitive approach to the subject and lucid writing unparalleled.

Daniel Ezell

One of the best e-books I've ever read in my life...


Just started reading the ebook Math Better Explained by Kalid Azad, loving it so far


About Kalid Azad

I became fascinated with intuitive learning after a tough math class at Princeton University. After cramming for days, the formulas finally clicked -- "Argh! Why couldn't they explain it like that in the first place?" I had to share my insights to save other people my frustration.

That "aha!" moment spawned, whose articles have been read by millions worldwide. It's regarded as one of the best places to really understand math. Memorization is fragile, but insights stick.

I've been writing technically for a decade, from chapters in programming textbooks to whitepapers for Microsoft.