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Up to: CS432 Information Security

Privacy and Anonymity (11/26/02)


Original def in US law: right to be left alone

Common definition: right to control how personal info about you is used

US Law

Threats to privacy

Technology as a driver

What can we do technically to protect privacy?


Def: acting in the world without revealing identity or identifying information.

Web surfing: anonymity tools

Anonymous email

Anonymous remailer

Mix-based remailer


           Forward MSG to destination          Keep adding forwarding info... sent
           Encrypt for remailer 10             to remailer after remailer. Each 
           Forward to remailer 10              remailer knows just a little info;
           Encrypt for R9                      doesn't know about the whole chain
           Forward to R9
           Encrypt for R8

Even if one remailer is dishonest, it doesn't hurt you. It's secure as long as one of the remailers in the chain is honest.