Home : Resources : Easy Combinatorics
Helps to know:


Just another way of thinking of combinatorics.

  • Permutations: ALL possible ways of doing something (order matters)
    • What are all the permutations of some elements?
    • How many ways to pick a gold, silver and bronze medalist from 8 runners?
      • First choice: 8 possible
      • Second choice: 7
      • Third: 6
      • Answer = 8 * 7 * 6
      • 8!/(8-3)! is just a fancy way of saying "Use the first 3 numbers of 8!"
    • n!/(n-k)! is just "Use the first k numbers of n!"
  • Combination: ONE possible way of doing something (order doesn't matter - different orders are the same answer)
    • How many unique ways can you choose 3 people from 8?
    • The order we pick them doesn't matter. Picking Alice, Bob and Charlie is ONE answer (it is that same as Bob, Alice, and Charlie).
    • Answer: total number of ways / redundancies
      • Total number of ways is just 8 * 7 * 6, a permutation
      • The number of redudancies is interesting. How many ways can we rearrange 3 people?
        • 3 choices for first
        • 2 choices for second
        • 1 choice for thirt
        • 3 * 2 * 1 = 3! = 6
      • Number of redundancies = k!
      • Interestingly, we find the number of redundancies using a permutation :)
  • n!/k!(n-k)! is just "Use the first k numbers of n!, and divide by the k! variants of each answer"
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