Hi, Welcome to BetterExplained! My goal is to help you understand topics with intuition, not memorization. This is the first in a series of weekly emails to help you cement your intuition for math. Let's start with a quick example: How can we add the numbers 1 to 100? It's a tricky question. At some point, you might have seen the formula: total = n * (n + 1) / 2 For example, to add 1 + 2 + 3 ... + 99 + 100, we'd plug in n = 100 and get 100 * 101 / 2 = 5050 Ok, great. We can memorize a one-off formula, but have we internalized how it works? Does it make us think differently about the world? Probably not. A lot of lessons say "Oh, no problem. Here's how you can figure it out. Pair off numbers at each end: 1 with 100, 2 with 99, 3 with 98, and so on. There are 50 pairs, each is 101, so we have 50 * 101 = 5050. That's how the formula works." All set, right? Nope! It still doesn't sit right! What if we have an odd number of items, like 1 to 99. Does it still work? Little confusions like this keep us with a mechanical understanding, not an intuitive one. I know we can get a solid intuition for this concept. Let's dig deeper. Step 1) Simplify The Problem Why are we adding 1 to 100? It's unmanageable. Let's use 1 to 10. If we can figure out that simpler case, we can extend to 100. Step 2) Extract the Intuition There is something to pairing the numbers to add. But, pairing the ends makes it difficult to imagine what happens in the middle, and for even/odd numbers. How about this setup? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Oh! If we make two rows -- one forward and one backwards -- we can easily see the pairs. There's 10 pairs (1 to 10, counted along the top), and the sum of each is 11. The total is 10 * 11 = 110, but we only need half, so we get 110 / 2 = 55. From here, we can internalize the formula as: Intuition: Count the pairs, multiply by the size of each pair, and then take half total = n * (n + 1) / 2 Step 3) Explore Variations A solid intuition means understanding the result from different angles. Geometry Variation Imagine stacking bricks in a pile, like this: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x How many are there? 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5. Ok, fine. But is there a shortcut to counting? Well, imagine completing the wall with 5 more rows! x o o o o o x x o o o o x x x o o o x x x x o o x x x x x o The wall is now a rectangle: a height of 5, and width of 6. There's a total of 30 bricks, but we only want half (the x's), so we get 30 / 2 = 15. Cool! We can visualize stacking up the bricks, and it might sit better with us. Intuition: We have a wall n bricks tall, n + 1 bricks wide, and we want half total = n * (n + 1) / 2 Statistics Variation What if we don't like visualizing things? No problem. We have a pattern of items from 1 to n, and the change by the same amount each time (1, 2, 3...). The average element in this sequence is (first + last) / 2 = (1 + n) / 2 And since we have n elements, we can think of the total like this: Intuition: Size of average item * number of items total = (1 + n)/2 * n Neat! Each approach expresses the formula differently, such as n * (n+1)/2 vs (1 + n)/2 * n. That's fine: it shows different strategies for thinking. Now, with a solid understanding, we can even think about variations on the question: * How do we add the even numbers up to 10: 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10? * How about the odd numbers up to 10: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9? * Or maybe a partial set, like 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10? Having an intuition doesn't mean you can spit out the answer in 3 seconds, it's about being comfortable with your approach as you work through the problem. "Want just the evens less than 10? Ok. Maybe I'll use the statistics approach: what's the average element here? How many do we have?". The formula becomes an expression of the deeper understanding you have, not a fact floating off in space. I hope this approach works for you! Happy math, -Kalid PS. Have another idea on how to add 1 to 100? If you know calculus, you might think of the integral of x.