Number Sense
Mental Math Shortcuts
Building a Sense of Scale
Visual Arithmetic
Prime Numbers
Changing Bases
Understanding Averages
Real-world Logarithms
High School Essentials
Imaginary Numbers
Degrees vs. Radians
The number e
The natural logarithm
Interest Rates
Discovering Pi
Combinations / Permutations
Gentle introduction
Derivatives I
Derivatives II
Integrals as multiplication
University Essentials
Sine Waves
Euler's Formula
Fourier Transform
Probability & Statistics Intro
Vector Calculus
Dot Product
Developing Math Intuition
Why Do We Study Math?
Using Analogies
Simplicity vs. Complexity
Rule of 72
Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule)
Stock Market Basics
Accounting Basics
Know thyself
On blogging

Lesson 1: Calculus In A Few Minutes

Welcome to the BetterExplained calculus course! A few reminders before we start:

Ok! Let's see how much calculus insight we can build over a few hours of "class time". As mentioned in the course overview, we'll start with high-level analogies and refine our understanding.

Calculus In 1 Minute: Use X-Ray and Time-Lapse Vision

We usually take shapes, formulas, and situations at face value. Calculus gives us a few viewpoints to dig deeper:

So why is Calculus useful? Instead of static scenarios, we can dig one level deeper. Imagine being able to turn on X-Ray or Time-Lapse vision at will. That object over there, how was it put together? What's its future?

Calculus In 10 Minutes: See Patterns Step-By-Step

What do X-Ray and Time-Lapse vision have in common? They examine patterns step-by-step, layer-by-layer.

For example, here's a few similar-looking formulas:

calculus circles

We have a vague feeling they're connected, right? Let's see where this leads.

Suppose we know the equation for circumference (2 * pi * r) and want to figure out the equation for area. What can we do?

This is a tough question. Squares are easy to measure, but what can we do with an ever-curving shape?

Calculus to the rescue. Let's use our X-Ray vision to realize a disc is really just a bunch of rings put together. Similar to a tree trunk, here's a "step-by-step" view of a filled-in circle:

calculus example

Why does this viewpoint help? Well, let's unroll those curled-up rings so they're easier to measure:

calculus example

Whoa! We have a bunch of straightened rings, which form a triangle (Wikipedia has an animation also).

The height of the largest ring is the full circumference (2 * pi * r), and each ring gets smaller. The height of each ring depends on its original distance from the center; the ring 3 inches from the center has a height of 2 * pi * 3 inches. The smallest ring is a pinpoint, more or less, without any height at all.

And because triangles are easier to measure than circles, finding the area isn't too much trouble. The area of the “ring triangle” = 1/2 base * height = 1/2 * r * (2 * pi * r) = pi * r^2, which is the formula for a circle's area!

Our X-Ray vision revealed a vastly simpler approach to measuring a curvy shape. We realized a circle and a set of glued-together rings were really the same. From another perspective, a filled-in disc is the "time lapse" of a ring that got larger and larger.

So… What Can I Do With Calculus?

It depends. What can you do with arithmetic?

If you expect to find premade problems with division signs floating in midair, you'll be disappointed. Meanwhile, you'll pass a chef chopping potatoes, a psychologist asking for your mood (1 to 10), and someone loaning a friend a few dollars for dinner (by the way: negative numbers were considered absurd into the 1750s). Arithmetic provides metaphors that transcend computation; once seen, they are difficult to leave behind.

Calculus can offer similar insights: it's a step-by-step view of the world. Do we need X-Ray and Time Lapse vision all the time? Nope. But they're nice perspectives to "turn on" when we face a puzzling situation. What steps got us here? What's the next thing that will happen? Where does our future path lead?

See, Official Calculus™ starts you off by manipulating equations with exacting mathematical standards. Rigorous, perhaps, but not motivating or memorable. We can bang together a few trashcan lids, enjoy the rump-shaking rhythm, and then look forward to exploring deeper.

So don't worry about computations, just play around: what elements in your everyday life, if you wanted to, could you see with a step-by-step viewpoint?

We'll sharpen this up with more specific examples next time.

What clicked? What didn't? Feedback gladly welcomed.