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Sorting Algorithms

(Still a work-in progress; I want to revisit with intuitive explanations and playing-card examples)

Sorting is a key to CS theory, but easy to forget. I had an itch to review the algorithms in Wikipedia (strange, I know), and here are my notes:

High-level thoughts


Bubble Sort [Best: O(n), Worst:O(N^2)]

Starting on the left, compare adjacent items and keep “bubbling” the larger one to the right (it’s in its final place). Bubble sort the remaining N -1 items.

Selection Sort [Best/Worst: O(N^2)]

Scan all items and find the smallest. Swap it into position as the first item. Repeat the selection sort on the remaining N-1 items.

Insertion Sort [Best: O(N), Worst:O(N^2)]

Start with a sorted list of 1 element on the left, and N-1 unsorted items on the right. Take the first unsorted item (element #2) and insert it into the sorted list, moving elements as necessary. We now have a sorted list of size 2, and N -2 unsorted elements. Repeat for all elements.

Quicksort [Best: O(N lg N), Avg: O(N lg N), Worst:O(N^2)]

There are may versions of Quicksort, which is one of the most popular sorting methods due to its speed (O(N lgN) average, but O(N^2) worst case). Here’s a few:

Using external memory:

Using in-place memory:

Using in-place memory w/two pointers:


Heapsort [Best/Avg/Worst: O(N lg N)]

Add all items into a heap. Pop the largest item from the heap and insert it at the end (final position). Repeat for all items.

Counting sort [Best/Avg/Worst: O(N)]

Assuming the data are integers, in a range of 0-k. Create an array of size K to keep track of how many items appear (3 items with value 0, 4 items with value 1, etc). Given this count, you can tell the position of an item — all the 1’s must come after the 0’s, of which there are 3. Therefore, the 1’s start at item #4. Thus, we can scan the items and insert them into their proper position.

Radix sort [Best/Avg/Worst: O(N)]

Get a series of numbers, and sort them one digit at a time (moving all the 1000’s ahead of the 2000’s, etc.). Repeat the sorting on each set of digits.

Actually doing the sorts

For practice, I wrote most of the sorts above in C, based on the pseudocode. Findings


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  2. The Quick Guide to GUIDs
  3. Understanding Quake's Fast Inverse Square Root
  4. A Simple Introduction To Computer Networking
  5. Swap two variables using XOR
  6. Understanding Big and Little Endian Byte Order
  7. Unicode and You
  8. A little diddy about binary file formats
  9. Sorting Algorithms