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Understanding Bayes Theorem With Ratios

Understanding Bayes Theorem With Ratios

My first intuition about Bayes Theorem was “take evidence and account for false positives”. Does a lab result mean you’re sick? Well, how rare is the disease, and how often do healthy people test positive? Misleading signals must be considered.

This helped me muddle through practice problems, but I couldn’t think with Bayes. The big obstacles:

Percentages are hard to reason with. Odds compare the relative frequency of scenarios (A:B) while percentages use a part-to-whole “global scenario” [A/(A+B)]. A coin has equal odds (1:1) or a 50% chance of heads. Great. What happens when heads are 18x more likely? Well, the odds are 18:1, can you rattle off the decimal percentage? (I’ll wait…) Odds require less computation, so let’s start with them.

Equations miss the big picture. Here’s Bayes Theorem, as typically presented:

\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\Pr(\mathrm{A}|\mathrm{X}) = \frac{\Pr(\mathrm{X}|\mathrm{A})\Pr(\mathrm{A})}{\Pr(\mathrm{X|A})\Pr(A)+ \Pr(\mathrm{X|\sim A})\Pr(\sim A)}}}

It reads right-to-left, with a mess of conditional probabilities. How about this version:

original odds * evidence adjustment = new odds

Bayes is about starting with a guess (1:3 odds for rain:sunshine), taking evidence (it’s July in the Sahara, sunshine 1000x more likely), and updating your guess (1:3000 chance of rain:sunshine). The “evidence adjustment” is how much better, or worse, we feel about our odds now that we have extra information (if it were December in Seattle, you might say rain was 1000x as likely).

Let’s start with ratios and sneak up to the complex version.

Caveman Statistician Og

Og just finished his CaveD program, and runs statistical research for his tribe:

What can he deduce? Well,

original odds * evidence adjustment = new odds


evidence adjustment = new odds / original odds

At night, he realizes deer are 1/4 as likely as they were previously:

10:4 / 50:5 = 2.5 / 10 = 1/4

(Put another way, bears are 4x as likely at night)

Let’s cover ratios a bit. A:B describes how much A we get for every B (imagine miles per gallon as the ratio miles:gallon). Compare values with division: going from 25:1 to 50:1 means you doubled your efficiency (50/25 = 2). Similarly, we just discovered how our “deers per bear” amount changed.

Og happily continues his research:

He takes a scenario, compares it to the baseline, and computes the evidence adjustment.

Caveman Clarence subscribes to Og’s journal, and wants to apply the findings to his forest (where deer:bears are 25:1). Suppose Clarence hears an animal approaching:

Clarence guesses “bear” with near-even odds (75:80) and tiptoes out of there.

That’s Bayes. In fancy language:

Bayesian Spam Filter

Let’s build a spam filter based on Og’s Bayesian Bear Detector.

First, grab a collection of regular and spam email. Record how often a word appears in each:

             spam      normal
hello          3         3
darling        1         5
buy            3         2
viagra         3         0

(“hello” appears equally, but “buy” skews toward spam)

We compute odds just like before. Let’s assume incoming email has 9:1 chance of spam, and we see “hello darling”:

We’re learning towards spam (9:5 odds). However, it’s less spammy than our starting odds (9:1), so we let it through.

Now consider a message like “buy viagra”:

“Viagra” never appeared in a normal message. Is it a guarantee of spam?

Probably not: we should intelligently adjust for new evidence. Let’s assume there’s a regular email, somewhere, with that word, and make the “viagra” odds 3:1. Our chances become 27:2 * 3:1 = 81:2.

Now we’re geting somewhere! Our initial 9:1 guess shifts to 81:2. Now is it spam?

Well, how horrible is a false positive?

81:2 odds imply for every 81 spam messages like this, we’ll incorrectly block 2 normal emails. That ratio might be too painful. With more evidence (more words or other characteristics), we might wait for 1000:1 odds before calling a message spam.

Exploring Bayes Theorem

We can check our intuition by seeing if we naturally ask leading questions:

Thinking With Ratios and Percentages

The ratio and percentage approaches ask slightly different questions:

Ratios: Given the odds of each outcome, how does evidence adjust them?

bayes theorem ratio examples

The evidence adjustment just skews the initial odds, piece-by-piece.

Percentages: What is the chance of an outcome after supporting evidence is found?

bayes theorem ratio example as percent

In the percentage case,

Let’s redo the original cancer example:

If you see a positive result, what’s the chance of cancer?

Ratio Approach:

The intuition: the initial 1:99 odds are pretty skewed. Even with a 8.3x (80:9.6) boost from a positive test result, cancer remains unlikely.

Percentage Approach:

When written with percentages, we start from absolute chances. There’s a global 0.8% chance of finding a sick patient with a positive result, and a global 9.504% chance of a healthy patient with a positive result. We then compute the chance these global percentages indicate something useful.

Let the approaches be complements: percentages for a bird’s-eye view, and ratios for seeing how individual odds are adjusted. We’ll save the myriad other interpretations for another day.

Happy math.

Other Posts In This Series

  1. A Brief Introduction to Probability & Statistics
  2. An Intuitive (and Short) Explanation of Bayes' Theorem
  3. Understanding Bayes Theorem With Ratios
  4. Understanding the Monty Hall Problem
  5. How To Analyze Data Using the Average
  6. Understanding the Birthday Paradox